Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rescue Me Right Survival Newsletter
Issue 1 November 2008

Greetings, and welcome to the first installment of the Rescue Me Right Survival Newsletter.

In this issue:
Preparing our homes for winter storms
Animal signs
Is your car ready for the winter?

Preparing our homes for winter storms
Brrr, the weather is starting to get cold. It's time to start preparing for winter weather.
Not only do we need to put away summer clothes and bring out the warm sweaters and socks, but it is also time to prepare our homes for the coming cold weather.

Here in the mid west we really never know what kind of winter to expect. Will there be a lot of snow, ice storms, or just rain? We really need to ask ourselves what could be the worst thing that can happen in a winter storm? Winter storms can be very dangerous and also very damaging. Ice storms can knock out power for days, sometimes weeks, so being prepared is very important.

Here are some fairly easy things that you can do to prepare your home before a winter storm hits:

Bring outdoor furniture and any things that could be blown about by strong winds indoors or to a garage or shed. Strong winds can blow things around and do a lot of damage to a house, and other property, if not tied down or put up. Also, furniture and other outdoor things, grills etc will last much longer if they are put away into a garage or shed.
Look at the trees in your yard. Is there any dead wood that could break off and cause damage to cars, homes, fences or other property? Are there branches that could get into power lines if they got iced? These may need to be trimmed or removed by a professional tree service.
Make sure that you have flashlights with extra batteries and candles for light in case of a power failure.
Keep extra drinking water on hand. Remember, if you have a well with an electric pump, you will lose all water during a power failure. If you know a storm is coming, have some tubs or buckets for cleaning and toilet flushing. You can also fill the bathtub for these things.
Have a battery operated radio and extra batteries so that you can keep up with weather reports and news about the storm.
Stock up on rock salt, sand or kitty litter (the old fashioned clay kind, not scoopable) for spreading on slick sidewalks and driveways.
Have snow shovels ready, and in a place where you can get to them.
Keep a space heater and fuel handy-- especially if you have electric heat in the house.
Keep food in the house that you can prepare without electricity. Make sure that you have a crank can opener if you are using canned goods and a bottle opener for canned juices.
Keep cell phones charged and ready to use if needed, also make sure that ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers are on all phones, landlines and cell phones so that emergency contacts can be made quickly if needed.

At Rescue Me Right we carry a variety of winter preparedness supplies. Visit www.rescuemeright.com for your winter survival needs.

Animal Signs

Insects and animals are wonderful weather indicators. Their actions can give us a clue to short term climate changes. For example, spiders can apprehend what the weather conditions are going to be like within the next few hours. When the day is going to be fair and nearly windless they will spin long filaments that they will roam and scout continually. When it is going to rain, they make their webs shorter and tighter and stay in the center.

Insects are especially aggravating before a storm. Also insects do not fly as high as usual when there is bad weather coming. A good indicator is to watch the birds that feed on them. When they are flying lower than normal, the weather is probably going to change.

Source: Skills for Taming the Wilds , by Bradford Angier, copyright, 1967, by Bradford Angier.

Is Your Car Ready for the Winter?

Winter weather is tough on cars. With the cold, the ice, the salt, the slush, your car takes a beating. Having your car prepared for the cold weather driving is so important. Here are a few tips that you can use to make sure that your car is ready for the road in winter conditions.

Have your mechanic check the following: antifreeze, battery, heater, thermostat, brakes, defroster, and tires ( for tread and for tire pressure).
Look at the lights on your vehicle, are the front and rear lights operational? Do your hazard lights work?
Check your wiper blades, are they in good shape? Also, check your wiper fluid, sometimes wiper fluid will freeze, make sure that you have a fluid that will spray in the coldest of weather conditions. (If you don't you may end up stopped and scraping your windows on the side of the road, not safe or fun.)
Check the nozzles of your wiper fluid system, sometimes they get clogged with dirt and debris. Use a pin to unclog them if they are clogged.
Before winter hits, wash and wax your car, this will help prevent damage caused by road salt. It is also a good idea to rinse off your car during the winter to keep the salt damage to a minimum.
Have your car prepared for an emergency on any winter trip, short or long by keeping the following stored in the trunk: an ice scraper, a shovel, a first aid kit, a flashlight and extra batteries, blankets, matches, extra clothes, bottled water, and non perishable snacks(peanuts and granola bars are good), gloves, a hazard triangle or flares, jumper cables, and a tow rope or chain.
If you have a rear wheel drive car or truck you might want to carry some sand or kitty litter for traction if you get stuck.
Whenever you go out, make sure that your car is cleared off of snow or ice for maximum visibility. Don't for get to clear all of the windows, the hood , trunk, roof and head and tail lights. These things may take a few minutes longer to do, but can save you having an accident due to poor visibility or having the snow/ice flying off your vehicle into another person's window.
If you are going on a long winter trip, plan your route and let someone know that route before you leave. That way, if you do have an accident, or do not arrive at your destination on time, the authorities know where to look for you.
Always keep a half tank of gas in the car.
Keep your cell phone charged and with you, and keep ICE (In Case of Emergency) numbers on your phone.
Before you drive in any winter weather conditions, review winter driving instructions on how to stop, brake, what to do if you slide, etc. These things are so important for you to know.

For Car kits and winter driving supplies visit:

If you have any comments, tips or survival stories that you would like to share, please contact us at :

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About Me

I am a SAHM of 5, most of whom are grown now. I have a LOT of interests including, knitting, cooking, crochet,gardening,bible study, sewing, jewelery making, and sooo much more. I am married to Ted, a wonderful husband for almost 28 years. I have homeschooled, and am still homeschooling my youngest child. I love Yahweh, and am saved by his son Yahshua. And I hope that this blog will bring blessings to all who visit here.