Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rescue Me Right Survival Newsletter

Issue 1 Volume 2 December, 2008

Did everyone have a good thanksgiving? I sure hope so. I spent the day with my parents and a whole lot of friends. The food was good, the company was good, and the leftovers were great! We were blessed to not even see a deer on any of the roads on the trip down or the trip home.

In this issue:

There are all kinds of good things in this month's issue.

Nana's Ice Storm is a great survival story from the winter storms in Oklahoma last year.

Proper Care of a Pocketknife offers some practical advice on how to take proper care of a pocket knife.

Instructions on How to Build a Personal First Aid Kit

Nana's Ice Storm

On the evening of December 8th, an ice storm bitterly blew across all 77 counties of the state of Oklahoma. By the morning of the 9th, there were around 27,000 people without power in the Tulsa area. As the day wore on, the rain continued to fall along with the temperatures outside. By nightfall, the power outages were increasing. The next morning, while there was a surreal silence, you could hear the sounds of snapping trees echoing like gunshots and the shooshing sound of branches hitting the frozen earth. It was around 4:00 a.m. the morning of the 10th that our power finally succumbed to the frailty of a falling tree. Complete silence and darkness came upon our house as suddenly there was no glow from the alarm clock and no hum from the furnace. My first inclination was that it would be back on in a jiffy, but deep down, I knew, that would not be the case.

The events from the previous winter began to replay in my mind, as I remembered when a few counties south of us went through a very similar situation in February. People were without power for as much as 10 days or more, dependent upon shelters, the Salvation Army and eventually FEMA for support.

Thankfully, the night before I had packed an overnight bag for each of my family members along with some grocery essentials, with the idea that when our power went out, we would retreat to the home of my trusty parents- right? Wrong! They had already called earlier in the night to say that they had lost their power. No problem I thought, I’ve been blessed with two sets of parents, so I still had a backup.

Yahweh had given me the forethought to not only pack bags but to also lay out candles, some flashlights, and an old-fashioned phone-you know the kind with a cord? So, under the glimmering light of my Glade-scented candle, I dialed up Mama at around 5:00 a.m., only to find out that they had lost power as well. My mind began to go through the options. Father-in –law, no power: brother, no power: aunts and uncles, no power.

With nowhere left to turn, and some residual heat in the house, we decided to go back to bed and wait until daylight to re-access the situation.

As I lay there, listening to the trees popping and the freezing rain continuing to fall, I remembered the scripture Matt. 24:20, “Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath.” I prayed that Yahweh would give me the wisdom to make good decisions, the strength to endure whatever problems we were about to encounter and the right attitude to see me through to the end. I asked that above all, He would keep my family, mainly my children, warm and safe and that this ordeal would only last as long as necessary to learn from it what we are supposed to. Earlier in the year, while some of our brethren were going through this south of here, I told my husband that I felt it was a warning to us and that we were supposed to take heed and prepare ourselves in the event something like it would happen to us.

By morning, we were able to hear some news on our radio and learn that there were an estimated 200,000 outages in the Tulsa area.

My husband’s place of employment was reporting power going off and on, but he was finally able to go in around 11:00 a.m. Something we were grateful for because if he doesn’t work, he doesn’t get paid. Around 4:00p.m., he called me to say their power at work had finally gone off and that their generator had failed, so they were sending the guys home. It was with that same phone call that he informed me that the power to the water treatment plant had gone out and that we should expect to lose water within the next 12-24 hours.

I filled every empty vessel I had with water. The bathtub, pitchers, canisters, a cookie jar. I set empty storage totes outside to catch rain water. It’s amazing how much water you can catch from the rain.

Thankfully, I had groceries in the house, but the events of the ice storm earlier in the year were still going through my mind. Stores weren’t able to open because they had no power or if they could open, they were only taking cash. People weren’t able to get to their money though because the banks and ATM’s were without power. Gas stations couldn’t service people because they had no power.

A trip to our local grocery store in search of D-cell batteries had been to no avail. While there, we noticed the line to the only gas station with power was what looked to be about an hours wait.

The destruction from the ice was breathtaking. Funny how the ice wasn’t prejudice in the victims it chose. No one had escaped its effects. I’ve seen tornadoes rip through a swatch of land or a town, but never had I seen something so widespread as this. Looking over the hills while driving into town where the Tulsa skyline usually lights the sky, it was dark, a sight I had never seen.

Because we have a natural gas cook stove, I was able to keep the house warm by running the burners and boiling water. We hung blankets over the windows and in the hallway to block off the bedrooms and keep most of the heat just in the rooms we were occupying. We were holding steady at 65 degrees. I thought of people in Russia and places like Norway and Sweden and other bitter cold places where 65 degrees probably felt like summer and would probably be welcomed. I was thankful that I wasn’t in Minnesota where my friend had just written to me about -2 degree temperatures. That night, as I put a second layer on the boys to go to bed, I thought, ‘no big deal, we’ve camped at the Feast in cooler temperatures.’ Isn’t it ironic the things Yahweh uses to prepare us and we never even realize it at the time?

Day two began with the house at 55 degrees, something you expect when you wake up in your zipped up nylon temporary dwelling, but not within the 4 walls of your humble home.

A call in to my husbands shop revealed they were still without power, so he didn’t go to work.

As I prepared breakfast for my family that morning, I didn’t prepare the normal quantities, thinking already that I should conserve what I had in the event that the stores weren’t able to open.

It was midmorning when Mama called and said my step dad had driven to Texas with the intention of buying a generator. To our knowledge, there weren’t any left in the state of Oklahoma and he was determined to drive south until he acquired one. It was official then, one way or another, we would be sleeping with heat tonight!!

I realized that Yahweh had heard my prayer; He kept my family safe and warm. My husband was able to return to work the next day and his employer generously paid him for the day he had missed due to the power outage.

The toll of the power outages in the Tulsa area alone topped out at 314,000. Our power was restored 5 days later. My mother was restored 8 days later and my aunt and uncle were still without 12 days later.

We learned a valuable lesson about preparedness, generosity and the kindness of others. I know that without them, my family would’ve been cold, but thankfully, we were not.

Of course, through it all, I remained upbeat and positive, something I believe is very important. After all, pouting and griping doesn’t restore the power. With my sense of humor in tact, I sat laughing to myself as I made a list of things you don’t have to concern yourself with in the dark.

Does this bag match my shoes?

When was my last brow wax?

Do my socks match?

Black or navy?

Is it time to do my roots?

Are my panty lines showing?

Do these pants make my butt look big?

But, in all seriousness, as I said, a lesson in preparedness was learned and I also have compiled a list of things you may want to keep on hand in the event that something similar would ever happen to your or your family. Keep it all together in an easily accessible location so you don’t have to gather the stuff in the dark or in a moment of chaos. Remember to stay calm; our family members pattern their reactions after ours.

These are merely suggestions and definitely not what I would consider everything you would need, (remember those of you that know my husband, know I am married to ‘survival Sam’) just some things I found came in handy.

A phone ( old fashioned-with a cord)

unscented candles (pumpkin spice becomes nauseating after a while.)
Strike anywhere matches

Hand sanitizer

Toilet paper

Bottled water (it’s easier to contain this way)

Canned goods and/or Dried goods
Blankets (at least one per family member)

Warm clothes (one set per member including hats and gloves)

Extra batteries

Battery operated radio

Feminine products (you just never know)

Baby wipes (not just for babies)

Lantern (rechargeable or gas)

Light sticks

Puzzles or games for children and/or adults

Trash bags

Duct tape
A screwdriver (helping for opening toys to rob the batteries)

A list of your utility companies and their phone numbers

A list of contacts for both in and out of state

A stash of cash (around $100 or more.)

A small generator ( at least one capable of running a space heater and one small appliance.)

A good sense of humor

It should go without saying that by all means, men should be asked to remember to return the toilet seat to the down position when there is a power outage. As a matter of fact, the rule should be, if the lights are out, they should be seated to do their business. All in agreement, say, “Aye”!

For all of your emergency supply needs visit www.rescuemeright.com. We have emergency kits, and emergency supplies for home, school and automobile. They make great gifts, both useful and practical. Visit us today!

Proper Care of a Pocketknife

Almost every camper knows how indispensable a pocketknife can be. A pocketknife can be a lifesaving tool in an emergency situation. With a pocket knife you can cut a rope, open a can, whittle a stake, punch a hole in a belt, or slice a piece of bread. You can tighten a screw or make shavings to start a fire.

A good pocketknife can do all these things and much more. A good knife for general use has a couple of cutting blades, a can opener and a screwdriver.

Some do's and don'ts for safe knife use.

DO keep the blades closed at all times that the knife is not in use.

DO close the knife before you pass it to someone else.

DO cut away from yourself

DO keep your knife sharp and clean. It is easier to control a sharp knife than it is to control a dull one.

DON'T carry a knife with the blade open

DON'T throw a knife.

DON'T cut toward yourself with a knife. If the blade slips you could seriously hurt yourself.

DON'T use the knife to pry, it could bend the blade or snap the end off.

DON'T strike the knife with another tool.

Taking care of a pocketknife

Most pocketknives are made of material that does not rust. But dirt and dust and lint can get inside the grooves and the blade does get dull with use.


open all of the blades. Twirl a small bit of cloth onto the end of a toothpick, moisten the cloth with light oil, and wipe the inside of the knife groove. If you have used your pocketknife to cut food, or to scrape up a really nasty mess, or to spread peanut butter and jelly on a sandwich, in order to kill the bacteria and nasties that get on the blade, wash it in hot soapy water and dry it with a soft cloth.


Sharpen your pocketknife on a whetstone. A whetstone is a granular stone that is made of material that is harder than the knife blade. Some people put water on the stone, and others will use a light oil, while others use the stone dry. Individual preference varies along with the type of stone used.

For general use knives, hold the blade against the stone at about a 30 degree angle. That means that the back of the blade will be lifted off the stone about one third of the way from vertical. Push the blade along the stone like you are taking a slice off of the top, or move the blade in a circular motion. Sharpen the other side of the blade in the same manner. Wipe the blade with a soft cloth and examine the edge under a bright light or against the sun. A dull cutting edge reflects light and looks shiny. A sharp edge is so thin it has no shine at all.

Thanks to the Boy Scout handbook for the information in this article.

At www.rescuemeright.com we have multi purpose knives, folding shovels, folding saws, and more. A great gift for family and friends. Visit us today!

How to Build a Personal First Aid Kit

Carrying a few first aid items in a pocket, purse or glove box of your car, will allow you to treat cuts, scrapes, blisters, and other minor injuries, and can provide initial care in the case of more serious emergencies. Everything in this kit will fit into a zip-lock bag and can be carried with very little trouble. Get into the habit of taking along a personal first aid kit wherever you go.


Adhesive bandages 6

Sterile gauze pads, 3-by-3 inch 2

Adhesive tape 1 small roll

Soap 1 small bar

Antiseptic 1 small tube

Scissors 1 pair

Latex gloves 1 pair

Mouth barrier device for

rescue breathing or CPR 1

Plastic goggles or other eye

protection 1

Pencil and paper 1 each

Thanks again to the Boy Scout Handbook.

At www.rescuemeright.com we carry a full line of individual survival kits that fit in a water bottle,or afanny pack. They make great gifts that are useful and practical. Come see!

If you have any survival stories, tips or comments that you would like to share, contact us at www.rescuemeright.com/contact_us/

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About Me

I am a SAHM of 5, most of whom are grown now. I have a LOT of interests including, knitting, cooking, crochet,gardening,bible study, sewing, jewelery making, and sooo much more. I am married to Ted, a wonderful husband for almost 28 years. I have homeschooled, and am still homeschooling my youngest child. I love Yahweh, and am saved by his son Yahshua. And I hope that this blog will bring blessings to all who visit here.